Your funny link of the day
They are Krusaders for Christ!
From their web page:
The Krusaders is a Christian martial arts ministry team who minister to people about the love and power of the real champion, Jesus Christ. The Krusaders use the martial arts to attract people, then minister about how God desire (sic) to have a relationship with them (John 3:16). The Krusaders are available for churches, community events, and anything in which you wish to share the gospel of Jesus Christ.
What fun! Maybe they should enlist the Lord in assisting them with basic English.
Sharing the gospel while breaking things. Pretty amazing.
That's not all, though:
The Krusaders base their ministry on 1 John 5:4-5,"For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is victory that overcometh the world, even our faith. Who is he that overcometh the world, he that believeth that Jesus is the Son of God."
And he will CRUSH YOU!Jesus, please help me.... SMASH THIS BLOCK!
Check this out:
The Krusaders train twice per week in a private Karate class. The Eastern philosophy has been removed from the school's setting and replaced with Christian principles. In traditional Karate classes, lower ranking students bow to higher-ranking students. The members of our school bow only to Jesus Christ in prayer. Our motto is "Black Belts who pray together stay together."
That rules.
Well, everyone knows that Jesus was a master of the nanchucks.
girls only want boys who have great skills!
nanchuck skills, bow hunting skills, computer hacking skills..
resurrection skills?
ha-ya! the power of christ compels you
He could have only broken those bircks with the power of Jesus. Of course Jesus can't help him get to work on time, pay bills, or get a date, but the bricks were all Jesus. Jesus hates bricks as much as he hates fags and Democrats.
Hmm, I don't know.
Everytime you're late for work, the Baby Jesus cries.. :)
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