Court says flag pledge violates Constitution
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - A California atheist who last year lost a Supreme Court fight to remove the phrase "under God" from the Pledge of Allegiance won an initial round on Wednesday to revive his cause in the courts.
Thank God.
I don't think that anyone should have to say the Pledge in the first place, but CERTAINLY there is no reason for that 1950's "Under God" to stay in there.
Actually that's a good point, Mike. A lot of people are under the assumption that our pledge was that way since it's inception. Not so. It was the conservative, religious movement in the '50s that introduced that phrase.
My feeling is if America is the melting pot it purports to be (which it clearly is not based on the mass close-minded stereotyping and biggotry that exists even today -- but that's another subject for another time), the phrase "under God" doesn't belong in the pledge of our national allegiance. We are a multicultural and religious nation. To reduce everyone's individual beliefs into that of the Christian majority strikes me as unfair and biased.
But that's just my opinion.
Ever since I was a little kid, I've been uncomfortable with the pledge. I would be thrilled if it were officially tossed, or at least made completely volontary.
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