Monday, September 12, 2005

Bedtime for "Brownie"

FEMA chief Brown resigns in wake of Katrina

My thoughts on this:

I'm not going to give this guy any credit or anything, but if I were a horse-trader, or whatever he was, and the Prez said "Brownie, how would you like to head up FEMA under your old buddy from college?" I would probably at the least consider it.
Then again, if my name were Michael Brown and someone called me "Brownie", I would probably kick them in the nuts..

The problem here is not only with this lacky for Bush, it's BUSH himself for putting in a guy that has no business having this freaking job in the first place!

Handing out political favors is nothing new, but when the shit hits the fan, you better be prepared to take the heat. And not just this fucker. He's had to fall on his sword for W.
The real heat belongs there.

Look, there is no question that there was a failure in general in the "wake of Katrina" as they say on every news station, but let's be honest.
As many have said before me, if we can get shit shipped over to the other side of the world in like 2 damn days after a tidal wave, we can sure as shit get water and food to people in our own damn country.
Blame will be placed all around for several things. Not the least of which was in trying to get people out of the path. Remembering, of course, that MOST of the people that remained in the path were dirt fucking poor and had little or no way of getting anywhere. BUT, the negligent way that our Federal government acted here is embarassing.
That's all I'm going to say on this issue for now.

1 comment:

Sar said...

I have mixed feelings about "Brownie". He should never have taken that position knowing the responsibilities ran completely counter to his experience. Irresponsible on his part. And knowing Brownie's lack of experience in this arena, he should never have been offered this position. Irresponsible on Bush's part.

I do pity him for all he's going through. I'll bet the WH gave him the spin ("well, the papers said crisis averted") and he had to run with it. But I'm profoundly disapointed he couldn't find common sense and logic on his own when the rest of our country could and were demanding it.

It's just a bad situation. And it's a shame higher heads aren't rolling too.