Olbermann to Bush and Cheney: Resign!
The BEST special comment on his show ever.
Sums up the failures and the crimes of this disgusting administration perfectly in 10 minutes.
PLEASE take the time to watch.
The BEST special comment on his show ever.
Sums up the failures and the crimes of this disgusting administration perfectly in 10 minutes.
PLEASE take the time to watch.
Posted by
Mike V.
7/03/2007 10:46:00 PM
I haven't had a chance to play the video yet, but I have to agree. Bush and Cheney need to either step down or get impeached. We can't go on like this.
Who Hijacked Our Country
PLAY it. Or save the link.
Olbermann is right on the mark, dude.
Olbermann in '08
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