Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Photo of the day:

From our trip up to the north coast/redwoods last month.
With the sun at my back, I spotted this lovely leaf, floating in the water...

OK, I'm lying. The sun WAS at my back, but the leaf was in the dirt, so I picked it up, put it in the water and I held it against a rock with my toe while I took about 6 pictures and cropped my shadow out of the best one.

But, it came out pretty nice anyway. Even with the small cheat.
You may click on this small one to see a larger res version.

1 comment:

Sar said...

Cheater! Actually, that's a nice picture. I'm sad there's not vivid foliage here. We had a brutal summer and it's still been in the '80s here. Helloooo, it freakin October! I long for the reds, and oranges, and yellows in the trees to look at while I breathe crisp autum air while wearing my cozy sweaters and leather boots. *sigh*