Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Great read over at Thomas Paine's Corner

Please read this post from yesterday on Thomas Paine's Corner by Jason Miller

Wow, what a great "OpEd", if you will.

Here is one of my favorite paragraphs:

One of the first things that those of us vigorously pursuing social justice need to do is to reframe the debate. Those in power have worked tenaciously to portray themselves as shining liberators in Iraq and practitioners of a benevolent "compassionate conservatism" on the domestic front. They wrap themselves in the American flag and speak of patriotism and "spreading freedom and liberty". They claim to represent a "culture of life" because they oppose abortion and the use of frozen embryos to advance stem cell research. Bush II claims to embody the compassionate teachings of Christ, when in reality his pathological devotion to the illegal war in Iraq belies the truly perverse nature of his administration.

There's a lot of great stuff over there, but this one is a keeper for sure.
Pass it around.
It's a long read, but worth the time.

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