Thursday, October 06, 2005

Bush: Radicals Seek to Intimidate World

Bush: Radicals Seek to Intimidate World

Yea, starting with you, fuckhead!

Until you stop waving your imperialistic dick around the world, things are going to keep getting worse.

I'm just about ready to weep for my country.
This is the greatest country in the world; I truly believe that.
But we are being led around by the nose, along with the rest of the world to a certain extent, by these Reich Wing assholes.

Fuck the environment, fuck the working people, give it all away to the most wealthy in this nation.
I feel we are in a terrible state right now.

Although the country is the sum of its parts, meaning all of us, I feel as though we are a rudderless ship.
We've all worked for companies like that before. Where there seems to be no real plan other than for those at the top to steal and lie in an attempt to get theirs and get theirs quick. As much as possible.
That's what it seems like with this government.
There is no question in my mind that George W. Bush is a sociopath.

Even his ex-CIA daddy and Clinton, both of whom are not favorites of mine, had shreds of human in them.
I remember in 1991, our family went to Hawaii with my grandparents to be there for the 50th anniversary of the bombing of Pearl Harbor.
My grandfather was a contractor working for the Navy at Pearl when it was bombed (and newly married to my grandmother, did not come home for almost a week) so they wanted to go.
I remember watching Bush Sr's speech. It was very moving, and at the end, he said the usual, God Bless America, adding, "the greatest country in the world" and he seemed to tear up a bit.
I know that it sounds corny, but in that moment, shrewd dickweed that he may be in a lot of ways, I think there was genuine feeling there for his country and for those that have fallen in its defense.
I couldn't see W doing that in a million fucking years.


Sar said...

A little humanity could go a long way. Theivery and deceipt unfortunately has gone even further.

SheaNC said...

Everything he says about "the enemy" describes the neocons to a "T". Maybe they envy their enemies' successes, and are trying to emulate them. I mean, they wish they could achieve the same level of support as Al Qaeda!