Friday, September 16, 2005

Man Breaks 'Couch Potato' Record

So the guy can sit there and watch TV all day!
Big deal, I could do that in my sleep! As it were.

The funniest line in this story about a Sri Lankan guy that has won like 100 Guinness Records is this:

"Joachim, who lives in Toronto but hails from Sri Lanka, now holds more than 16 Guinness records, including the longest duration balancing on one foot (76 hours, 40 minutes) and bowling for 100 hours. He does it, he says, to raise awareness of suffering children."

What the fuck is that supposed to mean??

The guy has records for watching TV and standing on one foot the longest.
How exactly is that raising awarness for suffering kids?

1 comment:

Sar said...

You're wrong, Mike. The funniest line was actually 2 and they read like this:

The guy has records for watching TV and standing on one foot the longest.
How exactly is that raising awarness for suffering kids?

But aside from that glaring question, a few others...

Was he able to hold on to somthing for support while standing on one foot?

When did he go to the bathroom?!